1. "Sending Mail"'
Mail from within your script is non-trivial and full of traps, so be aware
that you have to know what you are doing, otherwise better leave it
There are many perl programs which rely on the
existence of the local UNIX commands like 'sendmail' ! Be aware, for
security reasons, "sendmail"
may not be available central where your site is hosted !!!
In any case always avoid relying on commands on the server but use e.g. Perl-modules
that make your program self-consitent ! |
any case you might want to consider using the
central Web-servers where advanced techniques like mailing forms etc can be done very easily !!!
(for more info see http://cern.ch/WebServices/AuthoringDoc/Forms/forms.htm)
There is a 'non-standard' Perl-Module (not
included in the standard Perl distribution) available
that you can/(have-to) download if you want to send mails from within your script
in a way without relying on mail-commands that may or may not be available on
the Web-Server handling your Web-Site ! It is called Mail::SendMail
and can be downloaded e.g. from:
Get the Module Sendmail.pm from the address
above and put it in a folder 'Mail' where your script can find it (include it in
the lib path, ie. 'use lib "path/to/your/mail/library"). The the
following example
my $query = new CGI;
print $query->header();
my (%mail,$server,$loaded);
$mail{From} = 'Sendmail Test <mailaddress_sender@domain.name>';
$mail{To} = 'Sendmail Test <mailaddress_receiver@domain.name>';
$server = 'cernmx.cern.ch';
END {print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;}
use Mail::Sendmail;
$loaded = 1;
print "<b>Mail::Sendmail Loaded: ok 1\n</b><br><pre>";
print "Test Mail::Sendmail $Mail::Sendmail::VERSION\n
Here is the message text of your message\n
Current recipient(s): '$mail{To}'\n";
if ($server) {
$mail{Smtp} = $server;
print "Server set to: $server\n";
$mail{Subject} = "Mail::Sendmail version $Mail::Sendmail::VERSION test";
$mail{Message} = "This is a test message sent with Perl version $] from a $^O system.\n\n";
$mail{Message} .= "It was sent on " . Mail::Sendmail::time_to_date() . "\n";
# Go send it
print "Sending...\n";
if (sendmail %mail) {
print "content of \$Mail::Sendmail::log:\n$Mail::Sendmail::log\n";
if ($Mail::Sendmail::error) {
print "content of \$Mail::Sendmail::error:\n$Mail::Sendmail::error\n";
print "ok - mail send to $mail{To}\n";
else {
print "\n!Error sending mail:\n$Mail::Sendmail::error\n";
print "not ok - mail not send\n";
print "<hr></pre>";