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Friday, 14 March 2025

1. "Hello World"' or "Try to get a simple script running before you  attack the difficult ones !"

NB: If you are not sure where to place your CGI-scripts within your Web-site please have a look at the page:
 "Where to put your CGI scripts"   

Here is the unavoidable "Hello World" example, customized to be used as CGI.  To see it in action you can try it here "Hello World" .

NB: There are a few more lines to the script than absolutely necessary but since they represent good practice and you should get used to them, they appear already here !


use strict;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

my $query = new CGI;
my $date = localtime();

print $query->header();

print "
   <title>The Unavoidable Hello World Example ;-)</title>
 <body bgcolor=\"\#fffcc9\">
 <h1>The Unavoidable Hello World Example </h1>
 <p> The date is $date </p>
<hr  noshade=\"noshade\";>

A few remarks which might help you to get started: 

  • Test the script before you try to run it via the Web-server:
    Windows: The script must have the correct exctension, e.g. '.pl' for Perl, 'vbs' for Virtual Basic.
    The executable specified in the first line "#!/usr/local/bin/perl" is not necessarily in the same location  on your  test system and on the Web-server. 
    The file has to be executable, e.g.  chmod 755 !
  • Put the script in the 'cgi-bin' directory of your Web-site. Per default it is automatically created/enabled when using Web Registration mechanism. 

Continue to: Turning on debugging information  !

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